Make Your Medical Practice the Success You Always Wanted

Helping healthcare professionals like you manage the overwhelming business side of your practice so you can focus on what you truly love—caring for your patients. Together, we'll turn your practice into a thriving business where stress is minimized and patient care is maximized.

Higher Revenue

More Personal Time

Efficient Staff Management

Need Help With A Different Medical Practice Challenge or Goal?

Custom Coaching Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Ever Feel Like the Business Side of Healthcare is Crushing You?

You're a great doctor or dentist, but managing your practice's day-to-day operations and finances just keeps getting tougher. Every day ends with you feeling drained, frustrated by endless paperwork and complex issues, that take away from your time with patients.

This ongoing struggle not only saps your energy but also stops you from growing your practice and achieving the work-life balance you dream about. It leads to sleepless nights, constant stress, and the worry that you might never find the right balance between your professional duties and your personal life.

Have you ever...

Laid awake at night worrying about your practice’s finances?
Felt helpless because no matter how hard you work, there's just too much to do?
Wondered if you could ever enjoy your work again without all the stress?

If any of these sound familiar, you're in the right place.

Gaining control over these challenges lets you focus on what you do best — caring for your patients.

Upset female doctor sitting next to wall at clinic

Discover the Road to a Profitable and Stress-Free Practice

Turn Your Practice Chaos into Financial Success with Expert Guidance

When you choose my coaching services, you're not just finding temporary fixes—you're implementing a proven, structured approach that paves the way for lasting success. I provide clear, step-by-step strategies tailored specifically for healthcare professionals, helping you overcome your unique challenges and achieve your business and personal goals.

With my expertise and personalized guidance, you can:

Significantly boost your practice's profitability
Reduce your working hours while maintaining income
Improve staff efficiency and satisfaction
Streamline your practice's operations
Enhance your overall quality of life by reducing stress

Achieve the Balance You Deserve with a Proven Leader in Healthcare Consulting

Growing up, I faced constant bullying which left me feeling inadequate and powerless. This struggle continued until I found martial arts in college, a discipline that taught me resilience and the importance of confidence. These lessons were crucial later when, as a healthcare consultant, I encountered similar feelings of being overwhelmed by administrative burdens and operational inefficiencies in my professional life.

To overcome these professional challenges, I adopted the same discipline and focus I learned from martial arts. I meticulously analyzed every aspect of the practices I managed, implementing strategic changes that significantly improved both operations and staff morale. These experiences not only transformed my professional approach but also stoked a passion to help others facing similar issues.

My business, Crici Coaching Services, was born out of these life-changing experiences. I specialize in transforming healthcare practices through personalized coaching and consulting, focusing on stress management, operational efficiency, and financial growth. My unique background and personal journey through adversity equip me with the empathy, insight, and practical skills necessary to guide other healthcare professionals to success.

Here’s what my program offers:

  • Strategic business management tailored to the unique challenges of healthcare practices.
  • Personalized coaching to enhance professional growth and personal well-being.
  • Effective techniques for stress management and achieving work-life balance.

With over two decades of experience in healthcare consulting and a track record of transforming practices, I am fully equipped to help you overcome the challenges of managing a healthcare practice. My approach is not just about business strategies; it's about building a fulfilling and balanced professional life.

Rick Crici



Simply Life...

Mastering the Tools for Everyday Success

Use the tools and concepts practiced for centuries in the martial arts to improve your daily life! In “Simply Life…. Mastering the Tools for Everyday Success,” Dr. Richard Crici has broken down and synthesized martial arts concepts such as Awareness, Focus and Control into steps you can follow and implement in your life.

The nine distinct tools presented here can help you: improve your performance at work, strengthen relationships, break bad habits, and make better choices. In addition, you will learn the “ABC’s for Success.”

This powerful lesson will show you how Attitude, Beliefs and Choices affect all aspects of your life. “Simply Life….Mastering the Tools for Everyday Success,” is a must read for anyone who longs for a more productive, and successful life. Your life is exactly what you make it and this book can help you make it better!


Gain Clarity. Take Control.


Schedule a Call

Book a free consultation call where we'll discuss your specific challenges and outline a tailored plan to help you succeed.


Direct Interaction

During our sessions, we'll dive deep into identifying the root causes of your struggles and develop strategic actions to overcome them.


Achieve Your Business Goals

Imagine achieving your goals and moving past the hurdles that have held you back. We'll work together to make this your reality.


Lead With Less Effort And Step Into Your Potential Now

Hear From My Clients

"Mr Crici was instrumental in building and expanding our dermatology practice. When we decided to “take the plunge” and open up another location with a new partner, Mr Crici and his team were there from the beginning to guide us through the whole process. This brought us comfort and confidence and also helped us to develop the skills we needed to start and succeed. We learned so much and are grateful for the process we undertook with Rick and his team."

testmonial-Gregory Bourgeois
Gregory Bourgeois , M.D.

"I have been working with Rick for a few years and he is truly one of a kind! Rick is professional and extremely knowledgeable about all things business. Rick is personable and easy to speak with, which makes working with him so enjoyable. The advice and encouragement I receive from Rick is always helpful and “spot on”. I look forward to learning from Rick and continuing to use the tools he has given me to excel in my career!"

Amelia Sanders

"Rick was eager to help and he demonstrated and explained the skill with a high level of enthusiasm. He has an amazing ability of delivering information in a way that is easy to understand and process. I was impressed how knowledgeable, well-spoken, and approachable Rick is! I would recommend him without any hesitation."

testimonial-Angelina H
Angelina H.

"Rick really helped me get to the core of my blockages, some of which I didn't even realize were working against me. With Rick's apt guidance and skill set I was immediately operating without the former limitations I had placed on myself. Thanks again Rick!"

testimonial-Mike Brown
Mike Brown

Seize Your Company's Future & Yours Today

Does managing your work and life feel overwhelming? You're not alone. I'll help you find balance and optimize your medical practice, so you can stop feeling stuck.